
ARMAGEDDON There is a battle within each of us between good and evil. To-day we live in a world where we are distroying our planet. Unless we reform our ways we are heading for extinction. It has happened in the past where over the last 500,000,000 year life has suffered 5 great extinctions. There is every reason to believe that we are now well into the sixth extinction and this time humans may be included.

Location: Canada

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

POLLUTION --- Fumes of Humans Plus Solar Inputs

This comparative charts shows vividly the dramatic increased impact of four major components in the atmosphere.

Carbon Dioxide which tend to be the main focus of Kyoto. Some non believers counter with why focus on this food of life. Millions of years ago when the earth was warmer it was probably higher.

Methane it ten times more toxic than Carbon Dioxide There are vast resources of methane that global warming could release. We will address this in detail in days to come.

Nitrous Oxides plus many other similar compounds. Most the products of high temperature combustion in our machines. These are unique to the age of man.

Cloroflurocarbons highly distructive of high level ozone. Mankind came close to blowing it.

Canada can be proud of the Montreal protocols then faced up to the pending disaste. It will take decades to control.

Monday, May 29, 2006

ATMOSPHERE ---- Our Fragile Sky

Our precious sky. How we take care of our thin web of life will decide if we succeed or perish.

Friday, May 26, 2006

POLLUTION --- On a Clear Day You Can See Forever

Pictures The Forbidden City Beijing ----------- Power from coal in the Land of Oz

Beijing China is the worst city in the world for killer smog. Often made worse by gritty winds off the Gobi Desert.

Australia gets much of their power from coal. They have the whole of the Pacific Ocean to let the pollution dissipate.

Neither are members of Kyoto but are partners in The Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate..

Prime Minister Harper has expressed interest in the the group. He should we are down wind from China and get half our mercury in our air from there.

When the Olympic committee was in Beijing. The locals turned off the smoke stacks and painted the grass green.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

CLIMATE CHANGE The Last 300 Years

Source of Diagrams: Professor Ian Clark, University of Ottawa

Please note 2004 data shows Sunspot Activity at the highest level in 1000 years.

In The Little Ice Age there was no Sunspot activity for 52 yeas. This is known as the Maunder Gap. Since then Sunspot Activity has increased with the planet temperature rising and the amount of of carbon dioxide ( and Methane) increasing as it has done through the eons in the past.

The implications of this reality is immense.

Global warming and increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is largely motored by forces out side our planet.

Conceding that some of the increase in carbon dioxide etc. is related to man It is futile to think that Kyoto can reverse it.

It is more stupid to think it can be solved by pumping carbon dioxide into reservoirs or paying out capital for carbon credits.



Tuesday, May 23, 2006

OIL AND GAS Wal Mart Double Whammy

At the gas pump China hits the customer two ways.

It has stolen jobs and purchasing power from the adverage Joe.

It has bid up the price of oil to supply its growing needs.

It is using its vaste pool of U.S. dollars to buy the gas.

Monday, May 22, 2006

CLIMATE CHANGE The Last 2000 Years

Climate is always on the move.

Over the first 1000 years the climate got warmer, grapes and wine were part of England. Then the little ice age hit and Europe had a century or more of the deep freeze.

In the last 200 years there was again a rapid rise in temperature.
It is easy to explain this by mankind entering the fossil fuel era,
loading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

This explanation is the foundation of Kyoto. Its our fault. We can cut back the fumes and reverse it.

It is not that simple. We are not in charge of global warming.

More to follow.

Friday, May 19, 2006

CLIMATE CHANGE The Last 400,000 Years

Source Arendal UNEP

Over the last million years the earth's temperature has be going through wide swings in temperature with a cycle length of about 100,000 years.

The above chart records these swings using ice core data for the last 400,000 years. Temperature have ranged as much as 10 degrees C. At same time CO2 content has tripled from their bottom low in the ice age to the intermediate warm

It is agreed that these swings are not man made. But are probably from two sources:
----- Variations in the Sun's nuclear furnace and Sunspots.
----- Variation in the orbit of the Earth relative to the Sun where the variables are Tilt, Precession, and eccentricity.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

CLIMATE CHANGE The Last 65,000,000 Years

Source of chart: Wikipedia The Free Encylopedia

The earth's temperature was much higher than to-day than when the dinosaurs ruled the earth.

The temperature peaked 50 million years ago and has been going down ever since.

30 million years ago there was a sudden drop in temperature and Antarctica froze followed by a thawing and then another deep freeze 10 million years later as the earth sank into the present cold era.

The last one million years is one of cyclical glaciation every 100,000 years.

Monday, May 15, 2006

EARLY HISTORY Our Dynamic Earth

Source of Map Lyndon State College

World hotter than the Present

300,000,000 years ago the continents close to geather.

An ice age in the Antartic. The Arctic land free.

Now the glacier deposits have floated
north to India, Africa and elsewhere.

Tropical forests from the tropics now in fossil forests in the Arctic.
The dynamic action of the earth crusts over time, with mountain building and erosion has erased almost all traces of craters. Also since the earth is mostly ocean this too hides meteor stricks.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

POLLUTION Birds at Risk

Source Google Hinderland

Sea Birds experience pollution risks from several sources:

In the Arctic nesting grounds increasing precipation of air borne pollutants
which may enter the food chain in the plankton.

In the shipping lanes bilge oil dumping and oil spills fouling feathers and drowning the birds.

In the Southern oceans the albatcross is being impacted by getting caught by drift lines and killed by the ingestion of sterofoam plastic which is now a world wide infestionation in our oceans.

Are we humans earning our own Ancient Mariner's Curse?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

EXTINCTION The Sharks Fight Back

Believe it or not. Some do some think it is a fake!

We have commented on the slaughter in the oceans. The big worry will really begin when the crell or the plancton begin to show damage.

Friday, May 12, 2006

EXTINCTION Slaughter in the Oceans

In the last few decades made has perfected his machines for finding and for harvesting fish to a point that he can and is running down the world supply of this protein at an unstained rate. The North Alantic cod fishery has been decimated by these machines.

Bottom trawling sweeps up the target and trash fish and at the same time tears up the bottom habitat.

Massive nets and other methods are so efficient in other parts of the world such as Alaska the the fleets take a very short time to catch their allowable quotas.

Forty mile long drift lines have contributed to wiping out 80% of the large fish in the world. Sharks have been caught only for their fins for soup in China.

In the tropics the use of cynaide and dynamite have decimated the fish on many coral reefs.


Fish Farming has replaced some of these losses e.g. salmon and shrimp but this is not without some costs to the enviroment.

POLLUTION A Feast for Bears

In Northern Ontario the bears have a feast from the garbage of humans!
In other parts of the world such as the Philippines humans live on the garbage and survive by salvaging materials worth of recyling!

Globally the endless search of where to dump our waste continues!

In the end we risk being overwhelmed by our own poisons!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

EXTINCTIONS Now in the Sixth

Sunday, May 07, 2006

EXTINCTION Meteor Craters in Quebec Canada

Source of pictures: Google Earth

Above is a view of the New Quebec Meteor Crater one and a half mile across and 1.5 million years old.

This size of a strike would wipe out a major city and its suburbs and no doubt
send a chill in the climate world wide.

The Manicowagan 35 miles across and several hundred millions years is large
enough that it could cause extinction .

The twin craters double whammy craters are about 20 miles across.

EXTINCTION Meteor Craters in Quebec

EXTINCTION Meteor Craters on the Moon

Source NASA

Through out its life our planet has been struck by meteorites.

The proof is on the moon.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A View from Jordan

The Middle East has been the cradle of
civilation for the last 5,000 years.

It has also been a region of massive killings as civilizations battled each other.

Currently the battle between Israel and the Palestine continues. Both want control's the land, the water and a seaport. There is little sign of resolution.

Jordan also sits in the middle of the killings in Iraq in the near civil war between Shias, Sunni, and Wahabi Muslims plus the continuing losses of the coalition soldiers.

It is a devil's mix of religious Zealots and a battle for the control of oil.

Is the battle of Armageddon now under way ?