
ARMAGEDDON There is a battle within each of us between good and evil. To-day we live in a world where we are distroying our planet. Unless we reform our ways we are heading for extinction. It has happened in the past where over the last 500,000,000 year life has suffered 5 great extinctions. There is every reason to believe that we are now well into the sixth extinction and this time humans may be included.

Location: Canada

Friday, January 26, 2007


Source of Chart ---- Wikipedia Free Encyclopaedia

At times we humans get blinded by our own B.S.

Scholars, media types and politicians are not immune.

REMEMBER Y2K --- The problem was real, but manageable. but by December 1,999 it had grown into a hurrican of fear. The trigger point was hit on January 1 2,000 and nothing happened.

NOW 6 YEARS LATER --- A new swarm of zeolots are screaming (based on science that many think is flawed) that a relatively small increase in CO2 (the benign food of plant life) is about to cause CATSTROPHIC CLIMATE CHANGE.

THROUGHOUT ALL TIME SOLAR AND COSMIC FORCES HAVE DRIVEN CLIMATE CHANGE. This still holds and will continue forever and ever.

In the last 400 years solar and sunspot activity have come from a 5,000 year low to a 1,000 year high and temperatures are again at the Medeival Warm Period high.

This accounts for most and perhaps all of the the recent GLOBAL WARMING.