
ARMAGEDDON There is a battle within each of us between good and evil. To-day we live in a world where we are distroying our planet. Unless we reform our ways we are heading for extinction. It has happened in the past where over the last 500,000,000 year life has suffered 5 great extinctions. There is every reason to believe that we are now well into the sixth extinction and this time humans may be included.

Location: Canada

Friday, May 19, 2006

CLIMATE CHANGE The Last 400,000 Years

Source Arendal UNEP

Over the last million years the earth's temperature has be going through wide swings in temperature with a cycle length of about 100,000 years.

The above chart records these swings using ice core data for the last 400,000 years. Temperature have ranged as much as 10 degrees C. At same time CO2 content has tripled from their bottom low in the ice age to the intermediate warm

It is agreed that these swings are not man made. But are probably from two sources:
----- Variations in the Sun's nuclear furnace and Sunspots.
----- Variation in the orbit of the Earth relative to the Sun where the variables are Tilt, Precession, and eccentricity.