
ARMAGEDDON There is a battle within each of us between good and evil. To-day we live in a world where we are distroying our planet. Unless we reform our ways we are heading for extinction. It has happened in the past where over the last 500,000,000 year life has suffered 5 great extinctions. There is every reason to believe that we are now well into the sixth extinction and this time humans may be included.

Location: Canada

Friday, February 02, 2007

IPPC SUMMARY ---A Benchmark of Human Folly, Conceit and Deceit

FOLLY --- Our fumes are estimated to kill 3,000,000 a year and do great harm to other life on earth BUT we have decided the most important action is to manage CO2 (the benign gas of plant life)) to control climate.

CONCEIT --- Solar irradiance and cosmic forces are recognized as the driver in the past, but since 1950 greenhouse gases and other human inputs are supreme. This at a time when solar activity, sunspots and temperature are at a 1,000 year high, equal to that of the Medieval Warm Period. The forecast is that this activity will peak at the top of sunspot cycle 24 in 2010. It is going to get hotter, the driver will be solar.

CONCEIT AND DECEIT --- The conceit that we can produce meaningful hundred year charts. The deceit of failing to warn that both the Russians and NASA are predicting that sunspot cycle 25 is expected to be subdued and that it could be the initiation of a major solar induced cooling cycle.


SEA LEVEL RISE --- The projected rise in the sea level has been reduced to a litttle over a foot in the next century. Far below the 10 to 20 feet predicted by the raving crier of doom.

GETTING CHINA TO CLEAN UP --- No flooding in sight. If you are stupid to send us your capital we have lots of carbon credits to sell. The IPPC report will be ignored as a pipe dreams out of Europe. Increasing killer smogs is the only real force which will get action to clean up.

ACTION --- There is no quick fix. The cleanup will take decades.We need to reduce our fumes from fossil fuels for two reasons: the fumes are killing us: and the resources will not last forever. Go nuclear for part of the the solution.

KYOTO --- Canada should take the lead to have Kyoto focus on pollution rather than climate control.

Chart see below Solar Activitiy Proxies