Figure One --- Wikipedia --- The last one million years of reoccuring ice ages motored by solar and cosmic forces.
Figure Two --- The current inter-glacial period with temperature plusations driven by solar and cosmic forces.
Figure Three --- Wikepedia --- The last 600 years. We are at a 1000 year hign in solar activity. Sun spots have increased since the Maunder low point of the Little Ice Age
Figure Four --- NASA ---There are magnetic tides in the sun which drive sunspot activity. --- GOOGLE --- NASA Long Range Solar Forcasts.
Figure 5 --- NASA --- The current sunspot cycle No. 24 is expected to peak in 2010 and is of high intensity. No.25 to follow is expected to be much less dramtic and cooling can be expected.
For a longer term view: --- GOOGLE --- Russian scientists predict new ice age in 50 years.
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