POLLUTION --- Fumes of Humans Plus Solar Inputs
This comparative charts shows vividly the dramatic increased impact of four major components in the atmosphere.
Carbon Dioxide which tend to be the main focus of Kyoto. Some non believers counter with why focus on this food of life. Millions of years ago when the earth was warmer it was probably higher.
Methane it ten times more toxic than Carbon Dioxide There are vast resources of methane that global warming could release. We will address this in detail in days to come.
Nitrous Oxides plus many other similar compounds. Most the products of high temperature combustion in our machines. These are unique to the age of man.
Cloroflurocarbons highly distructive of high level ozone. Mankind came close to blowing it.
Canada can be proud of the Montreal protocols then faced up to the pending disaste. It will take decades to control.