
ARMAGEDDON There is a battle within each of us between good and evil. To-day we live in a world where we are distroying our planet. Unless we reform our ways we are heading for extinction. It has happened in the past where over the last 500,000,000 year life has suffered 5 great extinctions. There is every reason to believe that we are now well into the sixth extinction and this time humans may be included.

Location: Canada

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

CLIMATE CHANGE -- Contrary Opinions.

Source Christophere Monckton, Sunday Telegraph 5/11/2006

THE TOP CHART --- is the Famous "Hockey Stick" which ends with a dramatic take off
attributed to the the impact of the industrial revolution driven by greenhouse gases.

This is turn leads to the conclusion that we are getting close to trigger points and a catastrophic rise in temperature is in sight.

This warming in turn will trigger a rapid rise in sea levels and threaten hundreds of millions.

THE BOTTOM CHART --- is based on the fact that over time solar related forces have driven climate change of our planet. They always have, are now and always will.

This chart accounts for the Medival Warm Period ( when Iceland, New Zealand and Hawaii were settled) and The Little Ice Age (the hockey stick chart does not show this.)

In the last 400 years the solar irradiance and sunspot activity has rebounded from a 5,000 year low in the 1600s to a 1,000 year high to-day.

The open wounds in the ozone layer in the polar region may be adding to the warming.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


PRESENT --- 180 nations.

NOT UNDER THE TENT --- The dirty coal burners: U.S., China, India, Australia. (Fumes from Asia project to double in the next 25 years)

IGNORED --- Solar forces drive climate, always have, are now, and always will. (Solar irradiance up from a 5,000 year low in the Little Ice Age in the 1600's, to a 1000 year high to-day, accounting for at least 75% of the global warming over the last 400 years.)

DOGMA --- The current global warming (Climate Change) is driven by man-made CO2 etc. and we can and must fix it. (CO2 is 4 parts in 10,000 in the atmosphere. It is the benign food of plant life. It was five times higher in the past when early mammals
thrived. Now we are told it is the force driving climate.)

ENVIROMENTAL TERRORISTS --- Al Gore, Tony Blair and others, if we don't act now we could trigger Catastrophic Climate Change within ten years. Sea level will rise 10 feet or more in the not too distant future, hundreds of millions are at risk. (If your science is weak shout loudly and beat the drums of fear.)

SHAME --- Canada banished to the company of the dirty coal burners because we paused to rethink and refocus. (Since the science is engraved in stone, back sliders will be ostracized.)

KOFI ANNAN --- The damage to date is very real. Africa is hard hit (I agree) Needs $100 billion from the sinners. (We will take it, but don't tell us how to spend it.) (Africa's slash and burn farming and their firewood economy is one of the forces affecting their climate. Share some of the blame for your pain!)
The science is sound "based on clear and rigorous scienticfic modelling (He accepts Tony's Stern Report as gospel. I and many others consider it at its best highly flawed and at the worst junk.)

IGNORED --- Killer smogs and pollution estimated by some to kill as many as 3,000,000 annually. The benign gas CO2 is not the killer, NOxs, SOx's, ground level ozone, particulates and many other man-made poisons are.

REFOCUS KYOTO --- From trying to control climate to reducing pollution.

FOSSIL FUELS --- We need to reduce our use of fossil fuels for two reasons. The fumes are killing us and the resources won't last forever.


ON TO BALI--- Canada should use the next year to get a better fix on the science and agree on how we should go forward.