METHANE CH4 --- Swamp Gas
Methane is a product of the decaying of the biosphere.
Over the last 400 years in the atmosphere it has increased by 140% much faster than Carbon Dioxide.
As warming continues and the tundra and perafrost melts vaste amounts of methane can be expected to be released. Since CH4 is 20 times more reactive thatan CO2 this is a concern.
An even greater concern is the risk of melting of the gas hydrates. More to follow.
CLIMATE CHANGE --- Sea Level Change
Figure 1 Shows the extent of the glacial and sea ice at the last ice age maximum.
Figure 2 Shows the change in sea level over the last 25,000 years.
It is noted that the last great melting took 10,000 years and the sea level rose about 100 meters on average. That is 10 meters per 1000 years or one meter per 100 years.
Figure 3. shows the current melting rate at about about 0.2 meters per 100 years
Looking forward Al Gore is predicting a possible 10 meter rise perhaps in the century.
We reason as follows the ice to be melted is far less than 25,000 years ago.
The moderating force is the 3,000 meter ice caps in Antartica and to a lesser extent Greenland. We see the worst case forcast of increasing temperature similar to the last melting would produce at a rate of about one half of the last melt say 0.5 meters per century.
This is far less than the Gore figure and quite managable over time.