
ARMAGEDDON There is a battle within each of us between good and evil. To-day we live in a world where we are distroying our planet. Unless we reform our ways we are heading for extinction. It has happened in the past where over the last 500,000,000 year life has suffered 5 great extinctions. There is every reason to believe that we are now well into the sixth extinction and this time humans may be included.

Location: Canada

Friday, July 14, 2006

NUCLEAR POWER --- The Way to Go

FIGURE 1 --- NUMBER The U.S. has the most
FIGURE 2 --- PER CENT NUCLEAR France first with 85%
U.S. HAS ONLY 20% (50% COAL)
FIGURE 3 --- CONSTRUCTION India and China have the worst coal produced
SMOG in the world

LIST IN COMPLETE Tony Blair has announced the Britain is committing to a new generation of Nukes to replace their North Sea Gas
